OxiProteomics is a biotech company specialized in protein quality assessment.

OxiProteomics was conceived after several years of cutting edge research in the early molecular events related to ageing, age related diseases, and oxidative stress. We deliver proven science services to dermo-cosmetic and food industries to support marketing claims. We also offer environmental quality bio-monitoring solutions to promote sustainable development.

About Oxiproteomics


Number of proteins produced per cell


Tons of proteins in food produced per year

18 mm/h

Mean Velocity of an average protein

12 kg

Quantity of proteins in our body

Our services


Innovative Efficacy Score for marketing claims

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Protein quality

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Air and water
quality label

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Why assessing Protein Quality at the proteome level?

Proteins are essential components of life and our good health depends on their quality. Proteins are the “workhorses” molecules of life, taking part in essentially every structure and activity of living organisms. We need functional proteins to assure healthy living. In addition, proteins are the most ubiquitously affected macromolecules during stress, disease, response and recovery. It is scientifically proven that increased levels of oxidatively damaged proteins are associated with negative effects (aging, diseases…).

Our services are based on patented technologies providing the state of the art on detection, quantification and identification of oxidatively damaged (carbonylated) proteins.

Our technology

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